Learn more and Banshee development on the homepage of the Banshee website.
Banshee’s git source code repository is hosted by the GNOME project.
The most up-to-date version of the source is known as master. It is constantly changing and may not be stable. Using it can result in data loss or other issues, so only do so if you are aware of the risks. Otherwise, it is recommended to stick with official releases. Learn more about using git.
- Linux Instructions
- Windows Instructions
- OS X Instructions
Building on Linux
The process involves installing dependencies, obtaining the source, and then building it.
1. Install Dependencies
openSUSE 12.1 or higher
To obtain all the build dependencies on openSUSE 12.1, run the following commands.
In older versions of openSUSE, such as 11.0, the package name for Banshee was “banshee-1” instead of just “banshee.”
To acquire all the necessary build dependencies on Ubuntu, execute the following commands.
To get all the build dependencies on Fedora, you will need to run the following commands.
2. Get Source Code
Please access Banshee’s git repository.
Other Libraries
Building and installing from source is optional, unless you want to modify them or if they are not included in your distribution.
Libgpod provides support for iPods based on its software.
3. Building, Running, and Installing
To access the Banshee program, navigate to the Banshee folder and execute the ./autogen.sh script.
To use MonoDevelop, open Banshee.sln at this point.
Building Banshee from the command line involves running the make command. Banshee can be run from git without conflicting with a package installation by using make run instead of make install.
Building on Windows
Banshee can be built on Windows with relative ease, but it is still in its alpha stage. It may not be stable, well-tested, or polished, use it at your own risk and primarily if you are looking to assist in its improvement. Follow these steps to build Banshee.
- Install Dependencies
- Download and run checkout-banshee.bat
- Build Banshee
Bugs should be reported and patches filed following the standard process.
Building on OS X
Working on Banshee in Mac OS X is a straightforward process, with compatible releases starting from OS X 10.6 and newer. However, Banshee must be built on OS X 10.7 or newer versions.
- To install Xcode and the Developer Command Line Tools, check the Apple Developer’s Downloads page for older versions if your App Store prompts you to upgrade your OSX.
- Ensure that XCode is functioning properly by launching it, even if you do not plan on using its user interface. This may prompt you to install additional required tools. After testing, close the program.
- Install Git
- Build Dependencies
Another option for building Banshee is using MonoDevelop instead of make. Simply open Banshee.sln after completing the ./bootstrap-bundle step and build with MonoDevelop.