If you have been using Telegram for some time, it’s possible that you’ve encountered accounts you’d prefer not to engage with. This could be due to spam accounts, an ex-partner, or simply someone whose messages you wish to avoid. Fortunately, blocking these contacts is a simple task.
Once you block someone, they will no longer be able to send you messages or call you. In this guide, we’ll show you the easy steps required to block a contact on Telegram, allowing you to regain command over your messaging experience.
Steps to Block Someone on Telegram Using an iPhone
To prevent messages or calls from a known or unknown contact on the Telegram app for iPhone, just follow the straightforward steps outlined below:
Blocking a Telegram Contact on iPhone
- Open the Telegram app on your device.
- Select “Contacts” to display your contact list.
- Select the contact you wish to block.
- Select the contact, then click the three dots icon.
- Scroll down to locate and select the “Block User” option.
- Confirm your choice by tapping.
Blocking Unknown Telegram Users on iPhone: A Guide
- Launch the Telegram app on your device.
- Access the “Settings” menu located at the bottom.
- Select the “Privacy and Security” option.
“` - Choose the option “Block Users.”
- Press the “Block User” button to add unfamiliar accounts to your block list.
Blocking Someone on Telegram Using Android
To filter out unwanted users on Telegram using Android devices, follow the steps below:
Blocking a Telegram Contact on Android
- Launch the Telegram application on your Android device.
- At the top left, tap the hamburger button.
- Choose “Contacts.”
- To block a contact, search or select the one you want to eliminate.
- Select the contact you wish to block, then tap the three-dot icon.
- Press “Block” and adhere to the prompts for confirmation.
How to Block Unknown Telegram Users on Android
- Open the Telegram application on your Android device.
- Click on the hamburger icon (menu button).
- Access the “Settings” menu.
- Select the “Privacy and Security” option.
- Click on “Blocked Users” to manage unwanted users.
- Choose
“`To confirm, tap “Block user” within the message thread.
Blocking Users on Telegram using Telegram Desktop
Blocking contacts or unidentified users on your computer through Telegram is quite simple. Follow these straightforward steps:
How to Block a Contact on Telegram from Your Computer
- Open the Telegram Desktop application.
- Navigate to the “Contacts” section.
- Choose the contact you wish to block.
- On the contact page, tap the three dots icon that appears.
- Select “Block user” to remove the contact from your view.
Instructions to Block Unknown Telegram Users on Your Computer
- Launch your Telegram Desktop application.
- Select the “Settings” menu.
- Access the “Privacy and Security” option.
- Choose “Blocked users.”
- To add the unknown user to your block list, tap the “Block user” button.
Identifying if Someone Has Blocked You on Telegram
You can determine whether someone has blocked you on Telegram through various indicators:
- Profile picture is not visible. If someone blocks you, their profile image will not be accessible – you’ll likely only see their initials.
- Messages won’t be delivered. Attempting to send a message will result in only a single tick, indicating non-delivery.
- Online status is hidden. Instead of seeing normal activity, you’ll see “Last seen a long time ago,” even if the person is online.
- Calls cannot connect. If you attempt to call and receive a “Failed to connect call due to privacy settings” notification, it’s probable that you have been blocked.
Removing a Block on Your Telegram
If you’ve accidentally blocked someone on Telegram or wish to reconnect, you can easily unblock them by following these steps:
Unblocking a User Through Chat
- Open your Telegram application.
Search for the conversation threads between you and the user you want to unblock.
Launch the chat and select the “Unblock” option available at the bottom.
Unblocking a User Through the Contact Profile
In case you cannot locate the “Unblock” button within the chat area, this alternative method might be effective for you:
- Launch the Telegram application on your device.
- Locate the conversation with the blocked user.
- Select the user’s name shown at the top of the screen.
- You will be taken to the contact profile.
- Press the icon with three dots.
- Choose the “Unblock” option.
Unblocking User through Settings
- Open Telegram on your device.
- Select the menu icon (the hamburger button) located at the top left.
- Click on “Settings.”
- Select “Privacy and Security.”
- Click on “Blocked Users” to view the list of previously blocked users.
- Select the user you want to unblock.
- To confirm your action, click “Unblock”.
Eliminate Unwanted Messages and Contacts
Avoiding messages from undesired users on Telegram is made simple by using the “Block” option. By doing so, you will restrict messages or contacts that you don’t wish to interact with.
Now, you can concentrate on the conversations that are significant to you, resulting in a more enjoyable experience within this messaging platform.
Which option do you prefer for blocking someone on Telegram? Are there any alternative methods you use to screen out unwanted messages or accounts on Telegram? We invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below.